Wednesday, April 25, 2018

I will draw a portrait of whoever you want

I will draw a portrait of whoever you want


I will do portraits of real persons or fictionalcharacters. I'll draw them in my own personal style. You can choose the character's expression, clothes, and other details.

CONDITIONS (please, read carefully):

  • I willONLYwork withONEORDER at a time. Pleasesend a message to my INBOXtoconfirmthatI'm not already workingon an orderBEFOREyou make your order.
  • Basic Pack can be for more than two characters, JUST incase you just want pencil sketches, and it will be charged as extra figures in the order. In the case of Bamp;W/Grayscale digital drawing,LIMIT still being TWO characters.
  • Forall thepacks, portraits aremin. CLOSE-UPportraits, andmax. HEAD TO WAISTportraits. Forfull bodyextra, please,request a CUSTOM ORDER in my INBOX.
  • Revisionsareunlimited.

*These conditions can be temporary or subject to changes. it is appreciated that you read them carefully to avoid misunderstandings or complications when completing the orders.


pearsonmyles:Cancelled order. Seller failed to deliver on time!

pearsonmyles:Great work, great timing!

jayross213:Outstanding Experience!

pearsonmyles:Great work!

pearsonmyles:Great communication and accurate capture of the art described! Will come back again!

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