Thursday, February 22, 2018

I will draw you as a cartoon character

I will draw you as a cartoon character


For $5, I will create a simple cartoon rendition of you (or your pet, your favorite animal, your robotic cyborg best friend from the future, anyone you want, really)! If I'm drawing you or another real-life person, I will need some photos for reference. For pets or anything more fantastical, a general description (species, breed, distinguishing features) can suffice.

To ensure that I am able to deliver exactly what you're looking for, please contact me prior to placing your order!

Thank you!


me_insurance:He did a great job but I did not notice that the gig was for a B\u0026W line drawing only. My bad. I am happy with the outcome. Thank you.

davidgosc:Hey me_insurance, I'm very sorry that you didn't get what you thought you were ordering! Let me know if you would like to add on color, I would be happy to send you a custom order to correct your image. I'm also making changes in my contact process that should eliminate any ambiguity in the future.

billhartman18:I got exactly what I wanted!

ghostkh:good good good good good good good

davidgosc:Outstanding Experience!

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